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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Easter 2012

Tried making something I saw online and they came out cute! Cupcakes with peeps on them.

March 14, 2012

It's been kind of a tradition to make Nick a car for his birthday. This year I made him an SUV style cake.

Super Bowl 2012

For the Super Bowl I decided to make some football strawberries. They turned out delicious!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Flower Cupcakes

Daisy Cupcakes I made for Nick's Mom's birthday
Febrauary 19, 2011

Friday, February 10, 2012

Valentine's Day 2011

Who needs classes anyways right?? Almost a year ago I made this cake for Nick for Valentine's day. Loved the way the quilted look came out and adding edible pears at each crossing gave it that extra hint of elegance. I was also extremely proud of this one!

Butterfly Cake

Made this Angel Food cake for Nick's mom's birthday. I poured blueberries down the center and around the edges, and I find that cool whip on angel food tastes a whole lot better than icing. Loved the way it turned out.

Butterfly Cupcakes

I still have yet to take a fondant class! But I loved the way these butterflies turned out!

Nick's Toolbox

This toolbox would have to be one of my first real experiences with cake. It didn't turn out to horribly wrong (except for the fact that I can see everything I did wrong). Mind you I have yet to take a class on fondant which I'm hoping to do soon, but he loved it and was very surprised when he went to work and found this sitting on his toolbox.

Orange Roses

I will be completely honest. This has to be on of my favorite cakes. I love the way the orange mixed just perfectly with the yellow I had in my frosting bag.

Golf Ball

This golf ball looks smaller than its actual size. It was actually quite large come to think of it. My co-worker Sean was turning 30 and loved golf, so I made him a golf ball sitting in grass!

Mini Cakes

Just a couple of mini cakes I did last year.

Flower Bed Cake

My mom's birthday cake! I was experimenting with the basket weave and chocolate. Hence the chocolate lollipop flowers! I used molds to make the flowers and then crumbled up some Oreos for the dirt.

Blue Chevy Truck

I had this co-worker, Donna, who saw the truck cake I made for Nick. She really wanted one for her boyfriends birthday except in blue, because of course he was in love with his blue Chevy truck. I actually kind of liked this on better just because I actually made a bed and a toolbox in the bed.

Red Chevy Truck

My boyfriend Nick used to have this red Chevy truck that he was obsessed with. For his birthday on year I decided to make him a cake model of it. He pretty much loved it!

Olympic Ambulance

Made this one for my Mom's work Olympic Ambulance.
I kind of wished that there was a little more of a gap under the cake. But I think it looked pretty darn good!

The Detail Shop

Anniversary cake for The Detail Shop of Olympia.
We used to be friends with the owner Jimmy, but he passed away a few years ago. I made this as an anniversary cake for them.

Stars & Stripes

I made this one a couple of years ago for the 4th of July. I had fun making it and was really proud of the fact that the lines came out pretty straight. Woot!

Bra Cake

This cake was fun to make. It was for my buddy Garrett's birthday a couple of years back. It was always a big joke that he had never seen a girl in her bra so I made this! He was pretty excited and was actually pretty timid about eating it haha!